You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings

You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings
You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings

You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings. You make me smile every time you tell me of how much you love me so, and I tell you I do too.

You always make me smile quotes

  • “You make me happy even with a single word you say, you’re my inspiration.”
  • Every single day I want you to be happy and full of joy, just like you make me happy by just passing through my mind.

    Donna White

  • Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

    Marcel Proust

  • Often, people underestimate the power of smiling at someone else, it makes all the difference.
  • “It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” – Scott Fitzgerald
  • When you smile at a person, it can be the deciding factor of whether to make or break the day.
  • Smiling is an act of love, it is something that you give to a person and it is quite beautiful, girl.
You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings
You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings
  • I don’t care where I come from or who you are. I can make you happy, and you make me happy. We could have a happily ever after.

    Amanda Hocking

  • “Why don’t you try to give a stranger a smile today for it may just be the inspiration he needs.”
  • “You made my mind stop and made my heart work, I love you so much.”
  • There must be a reason on why it is so easy for you to just keep me smiling from time to time.
  • You make me smile and I think that is a good enough reason for me to keep trusting you, girl.
You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings
You Make Me Smile Quotes And Sayings

Quotes you make me smile

  • I could stay like this, looking at your eyes forever, because i would know that i would be in my favorite place for eternity.

    Ana Vasquez

  • I wish that you can always be there for me especially when I am feeling down, keep me happy.
  • Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

    Nhat Hanh

  • It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • In this world, you are one of those people who never fail to find a reason to keep me smiling.
Quotes you make me smile
Quotes you make me smile
  • The best feeling in the world is realizing that you’re perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed


  • You might not know this just yet but most of the time, your smile can be a source of happiness.
  • There are times when I wish you would stay with me so that I can always keep on just smiling.

  • “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Nhat Hanh
  • “When I forgot how to smile and how to laugh, you came into my life and made me happy. Thank you for bringing happiness each day of my life.”
  • If I will ever smile in this lifetime, I promised myself that you are the person I will give it to.
  • There are thousands of reasons why we are friends and one is because you make me smile.
Quotes you make me smile
Quotes you make me smile

The way you make me smile quotes

  • There is something about you that makes me feel all giddy in the inside like a teenager, really.
  • Even when you are a thousand miles away from me just thoughts of you makes me happy, boy.
  • The world may tell you that you are not good enough but I tell you that you make me happy.
  • Even when the tough gets going you make me smile and that is just really important to me.
  • Every wrinkle on my face is proof of just how many times you have made me smile over again.
  • I will always look at your face and smile at you because that means just how much I love you.
  • You know you’ve found someone special when they can lift your spirits simply with a smile


  • Before I met you I never thought I would smile for no reason again.

    Mark Amend

The way you make me smile quotes
The way you make me smile quotes
  • But you make me happy. It’s living up to being happy that’s the difficult part.

    Audrey Niffenegger

  • You make me smile and it brightens up my days, it keeps me going, it makes me stronger, girl.
  • This smile that I am wearing is for you and I hope you know that is the truth, my dearest love.
  • It may take a lot of energy to be sad so I’ll just keep on smiling because you make me happy.
  • You have friends because you always smile for them and I am one of those people you keep.
  • Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, ‘I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.’

    Dale Carnegie

  • Life is much more beautiful because mine has you in it, someone to keep me smiling forever.
The way you make me smile quotes
The way you make me smile quotes

I love the way you make me smile quotes

  • I have wondered a lot on what makes you happy, what is your secret to overflowing smiles?
  • Even when we get in trouble you patiently hand me a smile and it just makes me smile too.
  • I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.

    Ritu Ghatourey

  • Today I shall do nothing but just keep on smiling for you are that person in this world for me.
  • Every problem may not have a solution so you tell me to just smile over it and so I did now.
  • I never noticed how easily puppies can make you smile and for me you are like that puppy.
  • When things are not going my way you try your best and you make me smile thank you so boy.
I love the way you make me smile quotes
I love the way you make me smile quotes
  • The more you smile in life, the more life smiles on you. Mark Amend
  • I want you to know that you are my sunshine for every storm that has ever passed my life, girl.
  • For the rest of this life that I have, if you were there every morning, I would be happy forever.
  • People look at you and smile because you share your kindness & to me you do the same, girl.
  • It is not speeches that I want you to share with me but the power of your smiles, my dear boy.
  • I am smiling today because of you coz even if you left you still gave me thousands of memories
  • I start every day of my life with a smile because you are there with me to cheer me up always.
  • What matters to me is the fact that you make me happy and you just love keeping me that way.
  • I have dared you over and over again to keep me smiling and you just keep proving yourself.
I love the way you make me smile quotes
I love the way you make me smile quotes