Raat Bhar Chalti Rahtin Hai Ungliyaan Mobile Par, Kitaab Seene Par Rakhkar Soye Huye Zamanaa Ho Gaya. WhatsApp good night images.
दिल की किताब में गुलाब उनका था,
रात की नींद में ख्वाब उनका था,
कितना प्यार करते हो जब हमने पूछा,
मर जायंगे तुम्हारे बिना ये जबाब उनका था.
I am ready to go to bed but the sheep are missing. Oh well, guess I’ll have to throw some chickens over the fence instead. Good night.

Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight… Good Night!

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Having you in my life makes me realize how miserable my life was without you. Good night, my love.

Whether pages of the calendar flip, years pass by, months fly away or night changes into day, my love for you will always stay. Sweet dreams baby, good night.
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I mean Good Night = G-o to bed, O-ff the lights, O-ut of tensions, D-reams come, N-ice sleep, I-gnore worries, G-et up early, H-ave a nice day, T-hank God always.

Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight. Good Night.

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In this lovely night, I pray to the blue moon to protect you through the night, the wind to blow away your stress and the twinkle stars to guide you the way, Sweet Dreams!

Sometimes I am goofy, but don’t ever think that I don’t care. No matter what, for you, I will always be there. Good night.
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I am sending you a pillow of happy thoughts for sweet dreams and a prayer to protect you always- Good Night my friend!

It’s time to meet two old friends, Pillow and Blanket. They know me well and they can always make me feel better. So good Night, Friends!
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My day won’t certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn’t sleep yet without saying I love you. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

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The moon is angry at me and jealous of you because I said that no one can light my nights up like my girlfriend. Good night.

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Night is a Theater, Dream is a Movie, God is the Director, Nature is the Producer, Your the Hero ‘Enjoy’ the night with Sweet Dreams.

Just checking in to say Hi, hoping that you had a fruitful day and wishing for a very comfortable night sleep ahead, goodnight.
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Love, you’re my dream come true. That’s why I’m wishing you sweet dreams tonight of the beautiful love we share.

Good night… sleep tight… don’t let the bed bugs bite!
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Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but our friendship will forever radiantly glow. Good night.

I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most and the person that came into my mind is you so just want to wish you…Good Night!
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Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Good night!

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Darling, I hope you have the sweetest of dreams tonight because that’s what you’re like to me: a sweet, sweet dream that I hope I never wake up from!
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The brightest stars in my life are not planetary objects, they are friends like you who shine through night and day. Good night.

Behind your eyes lies a world full of colors and every beautiful thing that is connected to your lovely heart. Sleep tight and meet me in dreams. I am awaiting sweetheart.
[…] not go gentle into that good NIGHT. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Good […]
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