LONG ESSAY ON REPUBLIC DAY OF INDIA IN ENGLISH. Republic Day is a very important day of the year for the people of India and we celebrate it annually on the 26th of January since 1950.


Republic Day is just one of those fantastic national festivals of India celebrated on 26th January annually to commemorate the day when the Constitution of India came into power. India was under the British rule for more than centuries and has been made to adhere to the harsh principles and laws that were contrary to the liberty of Indians. The immense requirements of the great freedom fighters and under the advice of leaders aided India to achieve its liberty on 15th August 1947.

Approximately two and half decades after, India obtained its constitution that was adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950. The afternoon constitution of India’ came into force proved to be a fantastic day in the background that made India the Sovereign Democratic Republic and gave the best of choosing a government in the control of that public.

The requirement of a constitution to the nation caused the appointment of a Drafting poll on 28th August 1947, that was led by Dr B.R. Ambedkar. The Drafting Committee submitted the draft into the Constituent Assembly, which was adopted on 26th November 1949 (renowned as Constitution Day annually ) and came into force on 26th January 1950.

The Chief Guest of Republic Day was President Dr Sukarno and his spouse. Dr Rajendra Prasad took the salute of their armed forces and also this historical event was seen by over 15000 people.

A constitution of a nation is the most significant record because of its own people and its own development and also the afternoon it comes in the drive is a significant day in the history of a country. 26th January can be a day that plays an extremely significant function in the life span of each citizen of India since it was the day when freedom and right to pick the authorities for the nation was granted in the control of its own citizens. The constitution also described the basic fundamental rights for the citizens gave the liberty of speech, equality, freedom and justice to the people so they can live together with dignity, respect and may express themselves with no fear or force.

Republic Day is your day that reminds us about the struggle and sacrifices of terrific freedom fighters who gave their lives up for the country. This is the day that helps to showcase India’s rich’Unity and Diversity’ civilization into the world. Republic Day makes the folks conscious of their rights and their responsibilities towards the nation and it paints the country from the only colour of patriotism and unity.

The date 26th was selected for Republic Day

In the year 1929, throughout the Indian National Congress match at Lahore the requirement for ‘Purna Swaraj’ or complete liberty was created and it had been determined to announce 26th January 1930 as’Purna Swaraj Diwas’. After 20 decades, if the Constituent Assembly was finalizing the date to generate constitution come in a drive, 26th January was determined unanimously to be able to honour the fantastic leaders and freedom fighters that had been first to need’Purna Swaraj’, also creating Constitution of India came in drive was the conclusion of being entirely independent.

How Can We Celebrate 26 January (Republic Day)

Republic Day is celebrated with filled with excitement, zeal and zest throughout the nation. Folks from all of the parts of the society take part in the party with fantastic patriotism and pleasure. Each of the schools and schools arranges various activities and programs to celebrate the event. Flag hoisting ceremony, singing of national anthem and assorted language & disagreement contests, folk dancing, dramas and plays depicting the Indian freedom struggle is conducted so the young kids understand about the fantastic leaders and freedom fighters of the nation.

The grandeur of the primary Republic Day celebration could be just observed at Rajpath, New Delhi at which the President of India hoists the national flag that’s accompanied by the singing of the national anthem and salute by different regiments of the Indian Armed Forces.

Republic Day parade is the most important attraction of this 26th January parties which showcases the defence and war capacities of India. The synchronized march beyond the soldiers of different regiments of Indian Armed Forces in their entire uniform is an eye-catching sight for everybody and matches the heart of viewers with patriotism.

The parade is followed closely with the tableaux from several nations and branches showcasing the rich culture and traditional values of this nation. The colourful screen of this tableaux makes Rajpath full of vibrancy and vitality. The very best tableau and regiment also get granted annually to get their very best performance from the Republic Day parade.

‘Beating the Retreat’ service is held on 29th January each year in Vijay Chowk, New Delhi. The service is also an official closure of the Republic Day celebrations by excellent performances of the rings from all of the three wings of the Indian Armed Forces. Following the operation, the federal flag is reduced in the day that puts a break to the 4-day Republic Day celebrations.


India is considered as the biggest democracy on earth and Republic Day is the festival of democracy that educates us about the blood and sweat spent to reach it. It’s distinguished by every person no matter its caste, creed or faith and helps to construct a country that is combined within and prepared to conquer all of the difficult challenges. If we really wish to celebrate Republic Day in actual sense, then each and every individual of India must take the pledge to work for the improvement of the nation and bring its level best in the advancement and evolution of the country.