Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics

Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Happy Lohri background for Punjabi festival

happy Lohri to you and your family, friends. Lohri is a very popular winter time (January month) Punjabi folk festival, celebrated primarily by Sikhs and Hindus from the Punjab region in the northern part of Indian subcontinent. Lohri Date in 2019: 13 January 2019. you can send these Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics to your family and loved ones.

Lohri pics

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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics


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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • लोग आपस में मिलकर लोहरी के त्यौहार को ख़ुशी व आनंद के साथ मनाते हैं |
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  •  Traditional food items like Sarson da saag with Makki di roti, jaggery, nuts, radish are consumed by a large amount of population during this festival.
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • लोग इस अलाव में मिठाई, रेवड़ी, गुड़, मूंगफली और पॉपकॉर्न को अर्पित करते हैं व जश्न मनाते हैं|
  • Hope divine grace brings joy to your heart and fulfills all your wishes on this auspicious occasion. Happy Lohri!
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  •  इस त्योहार का मुख्य आकर्षण सर्दियों के भोजन जैसे सरसों का साग (सरसों दा साग), मक्के दी रोटी, तिल, रेवड़ी, गजक आदि होते हैं।
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • people put sweets, rice, jaggery, peanuts and popcorn in this bonfire and celebrate the festival.
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • लोहड़ी का त्यौहार पंजाब का एक प्रमुख त्यौहार है | यह त्यौहार पर पूरे उत्तर भारत में इस उत्सव को धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है
  • यह पूरे उत्तर भारत विशेषकर पंजाब, हरियाणा, हिमाचल प्रदेश, दिल्ली, उत्तर प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड और जम्मू में मनाया जाता है।
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy.
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Happy Lohri SMS Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • Spread the message of peace and happiness of lohri
Pics of happy Lohri
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • The sound of dhol is in the air, so dance to beats and share and care, May the rhythms keep you always happy this I wish for you on Lohri! Happy Lohri
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Happy Lohri background for Punjabi festival
  • You must give to get, you must sow the seed before you can reap the harvest.
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • Enjoy this Lohri to the fullest and don’t forget to put Rewri, moongfali and popcorns in the Lohri fire. This will definitely bring good luck to you
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
  • Wish that the warmth of Bonn fire, a sweetness of Gur and Rewri at Lohri remain with you n forever.
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Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics
Lohri pics, Pics of Lohri, Happy Lohri pics


Lohri, the cheerful festival of Punjabi’s is also known as the Harvest festival which brings good luck, happiness and prosperity in the lives of all. People of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and other states of North India celebrate Lohri festival