Keanu Reeves Quotes About Life. Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger.

Famous Keanu reeves quotes
- If you can make a woman laugh, you’re seeing the most beautiful thing on God’s Earth.
- “When the people you love are gone, you’re alone.” Keanu Reeves
- “When I don’t feel free and can’t do what I want I just react. I go against it.” Keanu Reeves
- You have to change your life if you’re not happy, and wake up if things aren’t going the way you want.
- Kissing someone is pretty intimate, actually very intimate, and your heart always kind of skips a beat before you do that.
- “It’s the journey of self, I guess. You start with this kind of loner, outside guy, which a lot of people can relate to, and he goes out into the world.” Keanu Reeves

- Sometimes enemies are our best teachers, people can learn from their mistakes, destruction sometimes means rebirth.
- “The truth is often terrifying, which I think is one of the motifs of Larry and Andrew’s cinema. The cost of knowledge is an important theme. In the second and third films, they explore the consequences of Neo’s choice to know the truth. It’s a beautiful, beautiful story.” Keanu Reeves
- So in the end, I think we can all pretty well agree that even in the face of tragedy, a stellar person can thrive. No matter what’s going on in your life, you can overcome it! Life is worth living.
- I believe in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some problems.
- “Fame is drag. The paparazzi culture is more pervasive than it used to be. On the positive side, it’s nice not to have to worry about bills.” Keanu Reeves

Quotes by Keanu reeves
“It’s always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. If you can make a woman laugh, you’re seeing the most beautiful thing on God’s Earth.” Keanu Reeves
- Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so live today!
- Sometimes simple things are the most difficult things to achieve.

- “So many people have that relationship. The companionship. The connection. To our – to other beings, our pets. I hate to call them pets. But you know, to other creatures that we share our lives with.” Keanu Reeves
- “Art is about trying to find the good in people and making the world a more compassionate place.” Keanu Reeves
- Grief changes shape but it never ends.
- Falling in love and having a relationship are 2 different things.
- “The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.” Keanu Reeves
“It’s fun to be hopelessly in love. It’s dangerous, but it’s fun.” Keanu Reeves

- I was also raised to treat people exactly how I would like to be treated by others. It’s called respect.
- “You have to change your life if you’re not happy, and wake up if things aren’t going the way you want.” Keanu Reeves
- “Sometimes when you make a film you can go away for three months and then come back and live your life. But this struck a much deeper chord. I don’t have the ability yet to speak about it in an objective.” Keanu Reeves
- I do think there must be some kind of interaction between your living life and the life that goes on from here.
- Mortality is very different when you’re 20 to when you’re 50
- Multi-culture is the real culture of the world — a pure race doesn’t exist.
- It is incredibly empowering to know that your future is in your hands.

Keanu reeves inspirational quotes
- “I loved the material when I first read it, and the experience of making the film (The Matrix) was a great one. So when we came around to complete the trilogy, I just signed on board without even reading the scripts because the experience of the first film was so good.” Keanu Reeves
- None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean.
“I’ve been really fortunate to be able to do different kinds of films in different scales, different genres, different kinds of roles, and that is important to me.” Keanu Reeves
- Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to take the time out to enjoy the beauty in life. It’s like we’re zombies. Look up and take your headphones out. Say “Hi” to someone you see and maybe give a hug to someone who looks like they’re hurting.
- “Money doesn’t mean anything to me. I’ve made a lot of money, but I want to enjoy lie and not stress myself building my bank account. I give lots away and live simply, mostly out of a suitcase in hotels. We all know that good health is much more important.” Keanu Reeves
- I will always be in love with love.

A good date is when you are intoxicated with each other’s company and everything becomes good in the world.
- “You need to be happy to live, I don’t.” Keanu Reeves
- When I don’t feel free and can’t do what I want, I just react. I go against it.
- The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.
- Try to be wrong once in a while, it’ll do your ego good.
- What sort of girls do I like? — They are all angels.
- If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you’re a badass with the heart of an angel.
- I guess living without love, without experiencing it or being able to give it, is a pretty strong punishment.
- I thank the earth and the sky every day for the opportunities I’ve had.
- It’s fun to be hopelessly in love. It’s dangerous, but it’s fun.