independence day drawing, drawing on independence day

independence day drawing, drawing on independence day
independence day drawing, drawing on independence day

independence day drawing, drawing on independence day, You must be the change you want to see in the World.
Mahatma Gandhi 

independence day drawing, drawing on independence day
independence day drawing, drawing on independence day
  • आर्मी तो है देश की शान,
    जिन्दादिली है जिसकी पहचान।
  • If a man takes away someone’s freedom, he no longer has his freedom as well. We need to unite and fight against people who think they have the right to own other people’s lives. Happy Independence Day! Let’s all celebrate the great Freedom!

independence day drawing

independence day drawing
independence day drawing
  • शहीदों के त्याग को हम बदनाम नही होने देंगे,
    भारत की इस आजादी की कभी शाम नही होने देंगे।
  • Freedom should not be something you have to deserve. It’s something you just naturally have. Something that no one can take away from you. Let’s celebrate Freedom!

drawing on independence day

drawing on independence day
drawing on independence day
  • लिपट कर बदन कई तिरंगे में आज भी आते हैं,
    यूँ ही नहीं दोस्तों हम ये पर्व मनाते हैं।
  • “Let be freedom in mind, soul & body. Faith in your words & pride in you nature.” – Wish you a very Happy Independence Day

independence day drawing ideas

independence day drawing ideas
independence day drawing ideas
  • मरने के बाद भी जिसके नाम मे जान हैं,
    ऐसे जाबाज़ सैनिक हमारे भारत की शान है।
  • Remember the sacrifice of our freedom fighters that formed this country. Rejoice and celebrate this day with pride. Independence Day greetings sent specially for you and your entire family.

drawing of independence day

drawing of independence day
drawing of independence day

जिस देश में पैदा हुए हो तुम, उस देश के अगर तुम भक्त नहीं
नहीं पिया दूध माँ का तुमने और बाप का तुम में रक्त नहीं…।

वन्देमातरम !! स्वतंत्रता दिवस मुबारक हो !!

drawing for independence day

drawing for independence day
drawing for independence day

Dil se niklegi na markar
bhi watan ki ulfat
Meri mitti se bhi
Khushboo-e-watan aaegi.
Sardar Bhagat Singh

independence day drawing images

independence day drawing images
independence day drawing images

Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.
B. R. Ambedkar

independence day drawing for kids

independence day drawing for kids
independence day drawing for kids

 It makes my heart beat with pride, to see the colors of Independence Day spreading happiness and great joys all around. May the glory of Independence Day be with your forever.

drawing of independence day celebration in school

drawing of independence day celebration in school
drawing of independence day celebration in school
  • भारत की फ़जाओं को सदा याद रहूँगा,
    आज़ाद था, आज़ाद हूँ, आज़ाद रहूँगा।
  • “As India completes another glorious year of her Independence… Here’s wishing you a Happy Independence Day… To all proud Indians.”

independence day images for drawing

independence day images for drawing
independence day images for drawing
  • On this special day here’s wishing our dreams of a new tomorrow come true! May your Independence Day day be filled with patriotic spirit!
  • Our nation is like a tree of which the original trunk is swarajya and the branches are swadeshi and boycott.
    Subhas Chandra Bose

independence day drawing easy

independence day drawing easy
independence day drawing easy
  • We celebrate the bravery of our fathers and their gift of freedom. Long may our flag wave!
  • “From Struggle… To Freedom… To Progress… India moves forward. Celebrating with you the pride of being part of a nation that is eternal and ever-new… Happy Independence Day!”

indian independence day drawing picture

indian independence day drawing picture
indian independence day drawing picture