Images of buddha purnima | happy buddha purnima images

Images of buddha purnima | happy buddha purnima images
Images of buddha purnima | happy buddha purnima images

Images of buddha purnima. Vesak, also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima and Buddha Day, is a holiday traditionally observed by Buddhists and some Hindus on different days in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Bangladesh and many more.

May Lord Buddha grace your life with peace and tranquility. Happy Buddha Jayanti to you.

Images of buddha purnima
Images of buddha purnima

happy buddha purnima images

happy buddha purnima images
happy buddha purnima images

Vesak (Buddha PurnimaBuddha Jayanti) is a Buddhist festival that marks Gautama Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. It falls on the day of the Full Moon in April or May and it is a gazetted holiday in India.

May Buddha Purnima’s full moon today remove the darkness of ignorance from our lives and guide us to the path of peace and enlightenment!  Happy Buddha Jayanti to you.

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buddha purnima hd images
buddha purnima hd images

Do not dwell in the past,
Do not dream of the future,
Concentrate the mind on the present moment
– Buddha

Rely on the teachings, not on the person
Rely on the meaning, not on the words
Rely on the real life, not on the dreams
Rely on the wisdom, not on the mind inside
Happy Buddha Jayanti!

images buddha purnima

images buddha purnima
images buddha purnima

Buddha Purnima/Vesak is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. – Buddha

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. – Buddha

buddha purnima images

buddha purnima images
buddha purnima images

May Lord Buddha enlighten you on the path of
love, peace and truth.
Happy Buddha Jayanthi !!!

On Buddha Purnima, Wishing that peace and tranquility be by your side…Today and Always!

images for buddha purnima

images for buddha purnima
images for buddha purnima

May the full moon of Buddha Purnima, take away the darkness of ignorance, bigotry and hatred and herald an era of contentment peace and enlightenment for the world! Heartiest Greetings on this day. Happy Buddha Jayanti!!

In seperateness lies the world’s great misery, in compassion lies the world’s true strength. – Buddha

buddha purnima festival images

buddha purnima festival images
buddha purnima festival images

Let us pray for peace & harmony
for all the humankind
on this auspicious day…
Happy Vesak Day.

On this day, Lord Buddha, Light of Asia was born, let’s celebrate this special day with immense joy and happiness. Happy Buddha Jayanti.

buddha purnima day images download

buddha purnima day images download
buddha purnima day images download

Between birth and death there is nothing else to happen but love. If you miss love between birth and death, you have missed the whole opportunity of life. You may gather knowledge and money and prestige and power, but if have missed love then you have missed the real door. Happy Buddha Purnima

buddha purnima day wishes images

buddha purnima day wishes images
buddha purnima day wishes images

On Buddha Purnima, Wishing that peace and tranquility be by your side…Today and Always!

buddha purnima greetings images
buddha purnima greetings images
buddha purnima greetings images

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.    — Buddha

buddha purnima images in hd

buddha purnima images in hd
buddha purnima images in hd

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.    — Buddha

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buddha purnima images hd
buddha purnima images hd

Buddha Jayanti is Gods way to say
The world needs faith and peace
May you be blessed today and always
With virtues of Buddha and his ease
Happy Buddha Jayanti

happy buddha purnima images hd

happy buddha purnima images hd
happy buddha purnima images hd

Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others. Buddha

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