Happy mothers day quotes, images, wishes. “When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto
You’re loved.
You’re appreciated.
You’re remembered.
Wishing you a world of happiness because nobody deserves it more than you do!
Happy Mother’s Day
“Thank You” “Seems very small to say when I think about all the sacrifices you have made for me.” I Love You Dearest Mommy. Happy Mother Day to You.

Mother’s Day Quotes
Mom, you always save the day. You are my superhero. Happy Mother’s Day!
“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” —Unknown
“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heart throb.” —Leroy Brownlow
Best Mother’s Day Quotes
Happy Mother’s Day from your good-looking, smart and brilliant son.
You’re really lucky.
“To the World, You are a Mother, but to Your Family, You are the World.” ― Happy Mother’s Day!

Most Beautiful Mother’s Day Quotes
- “Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” —Susan Gale
- “My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. ” —Jodi Picoult
mothers day quotes sayings
Reminiscing over all the scolding, nagging and arguments we had…now I realize the good in them. Love you ma…
Wish you a very fulfilling and Happy Mother’s Day.
Thank you for the learning that our value goes way beyond our physical appearance;
Happy Mother’s Day.
“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” —Unknown
mothers day inspirational quotes
Thank you Mummy for bringing up your children in a certain way. We wish to pass on the goodness that was given to us. Happy Mother’s Day!
“One of my most awesome friends just so happens to be one of the most awesome moms on the planet!” Happy Mother’s Day To You!

famous mothers day quotes
“I like the way you smile, I adore the way you care, and I love your every single step as what you are!” ― Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I couldn’t be more blessed to have a mother like you.
happy mothers day images and quotes
Wondering what gift to get you to represent how much you mean to me
Coming over with kids to share hugs, kisses, smiles and laughter
Let’s celebrate a very Happy Mother’s Day together
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” —William Makepeace Thackeray
short mothers day quotes
“I hope to be a mother like you. Strong, loving devoted, inspiring wonderful, and cool.” ― Happy Mother’s Day!
You an angel, you make everything more beautiful, and you are one of the most loving mothers I know. I am so glad to be your friend. Happy Mother’s Day!
quotes for mothers day
Thanks for granting me your magic of cooking; you have always been our greatest joy;
Happy Mother’s Day.
“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust

best mothers day quotes
Motherhood is ‘daunting’ and a tough learning process…we are elated to be blessed with our first grand child…
Happy Mother’s Day to my darling daughter.
“To the world, you might just be one person, but to me, you might just be the world.” ― Happy Mother’s Day!
mothers day quotes sayings
- “It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” —Mahatma Gandhi
- “There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” —Elder M. Russell Ballard
cute mothers day quotes
Each day passes and we love you more and more. Happy Mother’s Day!
I can’t thank you enough for all your selflessness and sacrifices. I love you Mom!
“No Matter what your age is, You always need your mom.” ― Happy Mother’s Day!
“Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s secret hope outlives them all.” —Oliver Wendell Holmes