Happy Birthday Son Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS

Happy Birthday Son Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS
Happy Birthday Son Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS

Happy Birthday Son Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS. Happy Birthday to a man I am so proud to call my son. I’ve always believed in you, and I always will.

  • Dear son, today is your big day! I feel so blessed and lucky to have you as my child. Happy birthday!”
  • Happy Birthday to my amazing son. You used to be my little guy. Now you’re just a great guy.
  • I hope that you always look ahead in life with a smile on your face and look back with fondness in your heart. I wish you endless joy in life on your birthday, and may it be filled with wonder and delight this year.
  • Happy Birthday to a son who truly shines.
  • “Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve a son so wonderful as you. But most of the time, I just thank God that He blessed my life and gave it meaning by giving me you. Happy birthday, my dear son.”
  • Happy Birthday to my favorite son. And just because you’re my only son doesn’t make it any less special.
  • Happy Birthday Son Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS

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  • “Happy birthday, son! We’ve watched you grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations!”
  • Son, I think you’re special every day. But today, I’m telling the world, because it’s your birthday.
  • I am grateful every day that you came into my world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. You have brought nothing but happiness into my life. Happy birthday, son!
  • Have a happy and healthy birthday my dear son! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are.
  • Sons like you don’t come along every day. And thank goodness for that, because we could hardly afford to feed one of you. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, son.
  • “Happy birthday to the best son ever! You’re totally rad, and you know it! Go celebrate. Have all the fun, and remember that we love you so much!”
  • “Son… we may not say it often, but today is a perfect day to let you know what a precious gift you are to us! Happy birthday.
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  • “Unending love, undivided attention, eternal pampering, everlasting affection, and endless care. These are the things that we can do for you, our dear son. Stay happy and have a happy birthday!”
  • If anyone deserves a Happy Birthday, it’s you. You made me the happiest person in the world the day you were born.
  • Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. You fill my days with warmth, wonder, and joy. I hope your birthday is filled with the same.
  • We may not be perfect parents but we are lucky to have a perfect son. Happy birthday son!
  • Son, you’re our greatest blessing. May your birthday and all your tomorrows be blessed with everything good in life!”
  • “Thanks, son, for giving us the opportunity to become the best parents that we could ever be. May you have a great birthday and a wonderful year ahead!”
  • I’m sure you’ll hear from lots of people on your birthday, but who’s going to send you the cheesiest pun? I think the answer to that is a parent. (Get it? Apparent.)
  • Best birthday wishes to my son, who somehow beat the odds and survived to adulthood.
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  • Happy birthday my precious son! You are loved, today, tomorrow and always.
  • My dear son, happy birthday! I’m blessed to have you as my child. You’re the best son in the world. Love you, dear! Know that, you can always count on me as you’re the most important part of my life. May God turn you into an honest and respected person!
  • You are a wonderful person and deserve a wonderful life. We are always there for you, my son. Wish you a very happy birthday.”
  • On your birthday, I wish you happiness – the same thing I’ve wished for you every day of your life.
  • Son, raising you was an experience that only comes once in a lifetime. Good thing, too, because we’d for sure go bankrupt if we had to do it again. Happy Birthday!
  • This year on your birthday I am so grateful that you’ve grown into such a bright and capable young man. It is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws your way you will always be able to handle it.
  • On your birthday I wish that I could stop time. Not only to keep you with me forever but so that I can stop feeling so old! Happy birthday to my son who at least makes me feel young at heart.
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  • When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul, and I’m so grateful that I have a son as precious as you.
  • You make each year brighter and you continue to illuminate our lives with your smile and your kind heart. Happy birthday my son!
  • “Happy birthday to the biggest gift and the biggest joy in our life! There’s no limit to how much we love you!”
  • Son, we’ve loved you every day of your life, and your birthday is no different. It’s just a great time to let you know.
  • My joy in having you as my son is something that can’t be measured. It can only be felt through lots of hugs, kisses, and adoration. I’m so happy I was blessed with a son as astounding as you.
  • “We’re so fortunate to have a fantastic son like you. You’ve always been a beacon of light for us. Happy birthday, son!”
  • Happy Birthday, son! Remember that I will always be here for you. If I were going to ditch you, I would have done it during your teenage years.
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  • When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything. May your special day be filled with untold splendor. Happy birthday!
  • “You are a wonderful person and deserve a wonderful life. We are always there for you, my son. Wish you a very happy birthday.”
  •  “Happy birthday to the biggest gift and the biggest joy in our life! There’s no limit to how much we love you!”
  • Happy Birthday to our wonderful son! You brought so much joy into our lives the day you were born, and you continue to add to that joy with each passing year.
  • I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey that will lead you to an even more amazing future. Remember always to continue to wish and dream.
  • “We always believe that miracles happen to one in a billion. But we have never thought that we would be among the lucky ones until we had you, our beloved son. Wonderful birthday!”
  • “Regardless of whether you are a young teenage boy or an old man, you will forever remain our little bundle of joy. Happy birthday, son.”
  • We’ve always been proud of you. Now more than ever, our hearts are bursting with pride, because you’ve grown into a remarkable person – so full of love, caring, and joy. Happy birthday, dear, dear boy!
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  • Your birthday brings happy memories and a reminder of how you continue to bring joy to our lives. Happy birthday wishes for my son!
  • You will always be my sunshine, my little angel. Your mother loves you so much! Happy birthday son from mom!
  • For any mother, the best thing is to see her children’s healthy growth. I’m so happy that you’ve successfully completed 10 years of your life. Congratulations dear! May you get all the love and happiness! Be very happy!
  • “Wishing a very happy birthday to our awesome son. We wish that all your dreams and hopes will come true!”
  • “There’s nothing more exciting and satisfying to have seen you grow and turning into such an amazing person. Wishing you a very happy birthday!”
  • Since the day you were born you have brought nothing but meaning and joy into my life. You are a fantastic son, and I feel so fortunate to be your parent. Happy birthday!
  • Know that whatever you choose to do in life I will forever be proud of you. I am especially proud this year on your birthday that you are becoming a smart, kind, and thoughtful young man.
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  • Happy Birthday, son! Whenever I need to smile, I just think of you.
  • Happy Birthday to our son, whom we will always love dearly. It seems like just yesterday that we were holding him in our arms, and now he’s a full-grown man with a beautiful family of his own.
  • If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created. It’s honestly a miracle that I was able to have a son as delightful and genuine as you.
  • Every day I thank God for giving me an incredible child. I am so proud of you. Best birthday wishes for my son!
  • Thank you for being such a great son. I am truly proud of you. Happy birthday!
  • Every day you find a way to bring a smile to my face and happiness to my heart. Happy birthday my dearest son!
  • My love and adoration for you is endless, you will be forever cherished. Happy birthday my son!
  • “Regardless of whether you are a young teenage boy or an old man, you will forever remain our little bundle of joy. Happy birthday, son.”
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  • We’re so lucky to have such a great son like you. Happy birthday, kiddo!”
  • “Congratulations on your special day, dear! You are such a wonderful person, we cherish all the special moments that we share.”
  • Happy Birthday, son! You were a wonderful child, and you’ve become a wonderful man. Notice I didn’t mention anything about the teen years.
  •  I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope your cake is half as sweet as you are. Happy birthday, son!
  • Today is the most special day for me. I became a mother on this day. Thank you for coming into my life and for fulfilling me. Happy birthday, my prince! I wish every day of your life brings you new reasons to smile.
  • You are a treasure from above, who brings me so much joy and love. Happy birthday.
  • “If your birthday is only half as wonderful as you are, it will be the greatest celebration of the year. No one deserves it more than you. May your special day be filled with tons of cake and presents.”
  • You are my pride and joy, a man after my own heart. Happy birthday son!
  • Yesterday’s echoes bring back sweet memories of you. Tomorrow holds the promise of sweeter moments. May today, your birthday, be sweetened with the joy and wonder you bring everyone.