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happy birthday dad images. You were the one who always told me that I can do the impossible if only I tried hard enough, that alone is the reason I am here, happy birthday dad!

  • Dad, you’re one in a million. No, one in a billion. Actually, one in a trillion. In other words, you’re one of a kind. The best, most loving kind. Happy birthday dad!
  • I‘m so proud to have such a great father like you and I will always cherish all the priceless lessons that you have given me! Have a wonderful birthday, dad!
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  • All I wish for you is that we get to spend more time together, that I can have more bonding time with you and that you keep smiling your happy smile, enjoy your day!
  • Happy Birthday, Dad. I’m wishing you as many birthday blessing as the number of diapers you changed when I was a baby. Unfortunately for you… that number is below zero!
  • We wanted to get you a cake with a candle for every year, but the fire department said it would be a fire hazard. Oh well, happy birthday anyway!

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  • From helping me up when I fell to taking me out for practice after I missed the winning goal, you’ve taught me to never give up. I owe my success in life to you, and can’t wait to take you out for your birthday.
  • You’re the biggest celebrity in my life. I’m your fan, I have photographs of you in my office and at home, whenever I’m in trouble I think of you and you’re worthy of winning every single award in the word which says “Best Dad of the Year”. Love you dad. Happy Birthday to the man!

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  • Happy birthday to you, dad, just know that I love you and that I would not know where I am right now if you are not there for me to guide me through it all.
  • You were the one who stood on my side even when you knew I was wrong and let me tell you just how much I appreciated that, happy birthday!
  • Dear dad, thank you for showing me how great the world is. I may need quite a lot of tips from you as I go on and face the challenges in life, so thank you in advance. Happy Birthday!

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  • Today is the right time for me to say, how grateful I am to you for always showing me the way. Happy birthday dad.
  • Have you ever noticed that the worse a dad’s jokes are, the better the father they are? Well now at least we know why your dad jokes are so terrible. I hope your birthday is much better than your jokes!
  • I love how you know the things I like and what I dislike most, you know me better than I know myself and that is indeed saying something, enjoy your day, dad!

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  • Happiest birthday dad. Dear daddy, on this special day of yours I want to take the opportunity to thank you for everything that you have done for me. You are absolutely the most amazing daddy in this world.
  • I know I wasn’t always the perfect child, but you have always been the perfect dad. Thanks for fixing the little things I broke and for showing me how to correct my own mistakes as I grew. Enjoy your birthday today. I love you!


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  • On your birthday, let us go to somewhere far away, travel together and just have some child and parent time, I miss being with you already.
  • Dear dad, on your birthday, I want you to know that you are truly an inspiration, a friend and a teacher to all of us.
  • I am lucky that I was given the best father in the world, a father who truly loves me with all of his heart. Best Birthday to you, dad!
  • Love and laughter are two of the best things that you have given me, dad! Thanks, dad!

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  • If there’s one good thing about having children so young like you did, it’s that there’s so much less of a gap when it comes to our culture and understanding. For that reason, we got you a digital present! All you have to do is go to the play store, install Dropbox, download the voucher, find the pickup on Google maps and self-checkout with your touchless card. Happy birthday dad! And Good luck!


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images for happy birthday dad
  • Another year older and another year wiser. You’ve helped guide me throughout my life with some great advice. I hope you’ll continue to help me navigate the choppy waters of life.
  • To the best dad in the world; thank you for being there for me, and for urging me to be better and fight harder. I wouldn’t be who I am without your kind words and wise guidance. Happy birthday dad!