Happy 25th Anniversary Images, Quotes, Wishes

Happy 25th Anniversary Images, Quotes, Wishes
Happy 25th Anniversary Images, Quotes, Wishes

Happy 25th Anniversary Images, Quotes, Wishes. In each other’s life you bought happiness from day one, So now after 25 years of union, just have all fun! Happy wedding anniversary!

You may have differences
But you always behaved like dears
Your love is admirable
congrats on completing 25 Years
Happy 25th Anniversary

Happy 25th anniversary! You guys are still a wonderful couple even after all these years. Wishing you be happy as like as you do these years!

Happy 25th anniversary quotes

happy 25th anniversary quotes
25th anniversary quotes

You love each other so much
You never hesitate to express
That’s why you are a lovely couple
And your affair looks so fresh
Happy 25th Anniversary

  • Congratulations for discovering the most sought after secret – the secret of a happy marriage. Happy 25th.
  • It takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to be where you are right now. And for that, I would like to say congratulation and Happy 25th Anniversary!

  • happy 25th anniversary
    25th anniversary

    Congratulations mom and dad for 25 years of togetherness! You are the best parents in this world. I wish you another 100 years of happy, joyful and amazing married life. God bless you!

  • Wow, you two have been in this journey together for 25 solid years! I rejoice with you and wish you many more happy anniversaries.
  • happy 25th anniversary
    25th anniversary

    Very few women in this world can get a husband like you. I feel really blessed to have you beside me for all these years. Happy 25th anniversary dear!

  • May these twenty five years of your married life be the prologue of a timeless fairy tale with a lovely ending. Happy silver anniversary.

  • happy 25th anniversary images
    25th anniversary images

    It’s been an honor to spend 25 years of married life with such a wonderful woman like you. I am looking forward to spend another 100 years with you!

  • I don’t believe how someone can be so cute like both of you,
    You don’t take anyone for granted,
    You know the real meaning of relationship and love,
    Whenever I see you I feel very happy about the relationship you both share,
    The mutual understanding, the support, the weird love expression for each other,
    It makes me feel happy and I want to see both of you happy and content always,
    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary
  • happy 25th anniversary images
    25th anniversary images

    It’s the beauty of your heart that kept us together all these years. You came and blessed my life with so many good things that I don’t know how to say thank you! I love you!

  • It hasn’t been all rosy, but you conquered all obstacles and fears, and have made it to the 25th year of your union! Accept my hearty and resounding 25 cheers!

  • happy 25th wedding anniversary
    25th wedding anniversary

    My life became a piece of heaven when you touched it. You are most beautiful angel god ever sent in this world. Happy 25th anniversary my love. I will love you till my last breath.

  • From the age of liking each other in class to liking each other on Facebook, your marriage has come a long way. Happy 25th anniversary.
  • happy 25th wedding anniversary
    25th wedding anniversary

    You are the most perfect uncle and aunt in this world. There is so many things to learn from you. I wish, after another 25 years from now, you will remain just as happy and romantic as today!

  • Congratulations on proving that Fairy-Tales do exist! Best wishes for the years that lie ahead of you.

  • happy 25th wedding anniversary images
     25th wedding anniversary images

    We always keep running after love often not noticing that true love dwells in the house just beside us. Happy 25th anniversary to my favorite uncle and aunt!

  • Married to a stranger is a big deal,
    Manage with him is another challenge,
    Love him, understand him and accept him as he is a act of bravery,
    You are so cute Bhabhi, You love my bro a lot,
    The way you manage him is hard to describe,
    I love you both of you Bhai and Bhabhi,
    Together you look great and amazing,
    Today you have completed 25 years of craziness and togetherness,
    I wish you luck, love and happiness to both of you.
  • happy 25th wedding anniversary images
    25th wedding anniversary images

    If there was a couple like you in every family, this world would be so much more romantic, happy and colorful. Congratulations on the silver jubilee of your marriage.

  • The bonds of love you both share make me feel that love is adorable,

    I don’t know when I started believing in marriage, but you both are the reason of it,

    I really admire your bond and I really love both of you,

    I want to see you happy with each other always

    Happy 25th Marriage Anniversary to the loveliest couple of the world.

  • happy 25th wedding anniversary wishes
    25th wedding anniversary wishes

    Your pair looks awesome
    Your love is so strong
    It takes so much of affection
    To maintain it for so long
    Happy 25th Anniversary

  • I have never seen such amazing relationship of husband and wife,
    You both are best friend of each other and you both enjoy this relationship a lot,
    I wish you many more happy and healthy years of togetherness,
    Happy 25th marriage Anniversary.
  • happy 25th wedding anniversary wishes
    25th wedding anniversary wishes

    It’s really wonderful to sleep and wake up having someone you love beside you and thinking it will be for a lifetime, How wonderful it can be? Happy 25th Anniversary!

  • Here is another year of happiness,

    Here is another year of being perfect,

    Here is another year of being a crazy couple,

    This is really an outstanding milestone that deserves to be celebrated,

    It’s Our 25th marriage anniversary,

    Happy 25th Marriage Anniversary Dear.

  • happy 25th wedding anniversary wishes
    25th wedding anniversary wishes

    Have a day that’s really full of fun, It’s your 25th wedding anniversary, from the time you became one! Happy wedding anniversary!

  • You have been inspiring so many couples for decades and now I am all set to believe that true love really exist. Your love and commitment for each other is worth inspiring. You both are epitome of happy marriage. Today, you have completed 25 years of togetherness and I am happy for both of you. I wish you many more decades of happy and strong bond of marriage.
  • happy 25th anniversary pictures
    25th anniversary pictures

    Wife is so charming
    And husband is so wise
    How much you love each other
    I can see it in your eyes.
    Happy 25th Anniversary

  • You have, indeed, unraveled the mystery; the mystery of the sought after treasure of love. Happy Silver Jubilee!

  • happy 25th anniversary pictures
    25th anniversary pictures

    Your love is great
    your pair is mind blowing
    Your love is an example for others
    25 years and still going
    Happy 25th Anniversary.

  • A happily married couple like you is hard to find,
    A content married life is hard to believe,
    But when I see both of you,
    It makes me feel that marriage is a beautiful bond,
    Only two nice and lovely people like you can know its importance,
    Today, you have proved it by reaching to this extraordinary milestone,
    Happy 25th Marriage Anniversary to this lovely couple.
  • happy anniversary 25th
    anniversary 25th

    Today is a special day, For a special couple like you, Sharing a very special love on your 25th Happy anniversary! Make it gorgeous!

  • You have reached your 25th Marriage anniversary and it became possible only due to your true love. Congratulations to both of you. I wish you many more lovely years of togetherness and celebration to both of you.

  • happy anniversary 25th
    anniversary 25th

    Spending 25 years of marriage with each other is not easy,
    You both have been an inspiration for all the married couples,
    We wish you many more happy married years ahead,
    Wishing a happy 25th Marriage anniversary to both of you.

  • You both bring smile on my face,
    Your relationship is amazing,
    You carry your marriage like a perfect gift for each other,
    You both look amazing with each other,
    Smile looks stunning on your faces,
    You both deserve lots of love and happiness,
    On completion of successful 25 years of this relationship and bond,
    I wish you love, luck, success and satisfaction
    Happy 25th Marriage Anniversary to both of you.
  • happy 25th anniversary messages
    25th anniversary messages

    25 years of relation so pure, You deserve a Hats Off, for sure! Happy wedding anniversary!

  • A perfect couple like you can inspire a person like me,

    I am happy to see your bond of love,

    You both are committed to each other,

    You both are adorable,

    I wish you love and happiness to both of you

    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary.

  • happy 25th anniversary messages
    25th anniversary messages

    Congratulations to you and to your kids. They must have learned by now the true meaning of love, commitment and compromise. Happy 25th and silver anniversary!

  • I don’t know what makes you different from other couples, But I know you both are outstanding. You both are lovely and gorgeous, You have completed the 25 years of marriage successfully, You can do each and everything for each other. Happy Anniversary.
  • happy 25th anniversary messages
    25th anniversary messages

    Thanks for being close to each other and giving us such a wonderful home to be proud of. You proved once again that true love can accomplish anything in this world. I wish you all the best on this special occasion.

  • You both are the strength of each other and that’s why you are my best couple. I admire both of you a lot, You both can be my real inspiration. Happy 25th Marriage anniversary.

  • happy 25th anniversary messages
    25th anniversary messages

    My heartiest congratulations to you as you have completed 25 years together under one roof. Thanks for being an amazing couple and a wonderful parent to us. God bless you!

  • I am happy that you discovered the secret of happiness in your married life, you both are amazingly awesome and your bond is even more awesome. I wish you luck and happiness to both of you. Happy silver Jubilee anniversary!
  • happy 25th anniversary wishes
    25th anniversary wishes

    Congratulation to the happiest couple,
    This is your day my loved ones,
    Just celebrate the 25 years of love,
    Just celebrate the 25 years of attraction,
    Just celebrate the 25 years of understanding each other,
    Just celebrate the ups and downs the life,
    Wishing you a very happy 25th marriage anniversary to the lovely and adorable couple.

  • You both only know the secret of happy marriage,

    You both only know how to love unconditionally to your partner,

    You both only know how lovely this relationship can be,

    You both only know how beautiful can be the life of married couples,

    I really admire your bond and meaning of this relationship,

    Happy Silver Jubilee!

  • happy 25th anniversary wishes
    25th anniversary wishes

    On this very special occasion, I want to let you know that you are the best husband there was, the best husband there is and the best husband there will ever be.

  • What makes a couple the perfect one, only you two know the secret
    Today you have completed 25 years of successful married life,
    I am very happy to see both of you,
    You make each other more beautiful and strong,
    I always want to see you both very happy and strong,
    Happy Silver Jubilee!
  • happy 25th anniversary wishes
    25th anniversary wishes

    You are the type of husband any woman would die for. I feel lucky every day because I don’t know what good I did to deserve you. happy 25th anniversary!

  • A wedding is a bond that we have to share for life long,

    You have done it very beautifully,

    You both are meant for each other,

    Sometimes I am jealous of the relationship you share with each other,

    But I know it takes lots of compromises, patience and care,

    You both deserve admiration and appreciation,

    Hats off to both of you,

    Happy Silver Jubilee!

  • happy 25th anniversary message
    25th anniversary message

    Happy silver anniversary to my husband. Yeah, you are the most loyal and caring husband in this world. You always believe in equality and respect which is most prominent factors of your personality. I will love you forever.

  • Getting an opportunity to celebrate 25 years of togetherness is not a joke,
    You have to be patient for making the most of this day,
    You have to love your partner unconditionally as you did,
    You both are adorable and amazing,
    Happy Silver Jubilee!
  • happy 25th anniversary message
    25th anniversary message

    My life became a piece of heaven when you touched it. You are most beautiful angel god ever sent in this world. Happy 25th anniversary my love. I will love you till my last breath.

  • I am thankful to the God who has gifted me parents like you,

    I have seen both of you dealing with challenges of life together,

    I have seen both of you sharing happiness and sorrow of life together,

    I have seen both of you loving each other unconditionally,

    Your relationship inspires me a lot, I am happy to have both of you as my parents,

    I love both of you,

    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to lovely parents.

  • free happy 25th anniversary images
    25th anniversary images

    My life would have been a complete mess by now if you did not enter in it at the right moment. You have added so many colors into it for 25 years now that I feel like I’m in heaven!

  • Nothing is as amazing as seeing perfect couple like you,
    Being your child, I know the beauty of the relationship you both share,
    I don’t know how to thank both of you for your life long care and support,
    But I want to make this amazing day more amazing for both of you,
    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to exquisite parents.
  • free happy 25th anniversary images
    free 25th anniversary images

    You have such a rare combination of beauty and kindness in you. I know even if I search the entire universe I would never find a loving wife as you! Happy 25th anniversary!

  • My Dear Mom & Dad,

    I can’t even imagine a single day without any of you,

    I love you both from bottom of my heart,

    I have seen you happy and sad at the same time,

    I have seen you dealing with ups and downs of life without compromising the quality of life,

    You both are my rockstars,

    I want to wish you many more happy years of togetherness to both of you,

    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to amazing parents.

  • free happy 25th anniversary images
    free 25th anniversary images

    I can’t live without you. It may sound absurd. But it is maybe because I love you too much. I wish our marriage can last forever. Happy 25th anniversary, my darling!

  • Parents are lovely and great,
    They make us feel special,
    They protect us and care for us,
    My parents are extraordinary,
    They love me like anything,
    On this special day,
    I want to make them feel more special,
    I want to wish them happy and healthy married life ahead,
    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to my dear parents.

  • happy 25th anniversary photos
    25th anniversary photos

    I am happy to see both of you,
    You both are my inspiration,
    Now you have already completed 25 years of togetherness,
    It boasts a lot about the bond of love, you both share
    I wish you happiness and lovely married life ahead
    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to the lovely couple.

  • Dear Husband,
    Words are not enough to express my love for you,
    Words can’t define our journey of togetherness so far,
    But I will still try,
    I only want to say that life has been very rude to me,
    But only you were there to make me happy,
    I am blessed to have a husband like you,
    Happy 25th Marriage anniversary to my dear husband.
  • happy 25th anniversary photos
    25th anniversary photos

    Dear uncle and aunt. Hope you both always be excited by each other’s love. Wish you my respect of heart at this silver wedding anniversary occasion.

  • Things have never easy to your life, but you both have been strong,

    You love each other a lot and this is the lovely thing about your relationship,

    When I see both of you, I feel that love is eternal and marriage is beautiful,

    Happy 25th Marriage Anniversary Dear.

  • We have celebrated many occasions together, and now its time to celebrate our 25 years of togetherness. Happy 25th anniversary Hubby.
  • I Feel so Blessed to have a Wife Like you, A very Happy 25th anniversary my love.
  • it’s been 25 years of our togetherness, I just want to tell you that my life would not be so easier without you. Happy anniversary My Lovely wife.
  • A Lock is nothing without a Key, And My life is nothing without you. you are my key to love, joy, and happiness. Happy 25th Marriage anniversary my beautiful wife.
  • Marriage Anniversary Wishes Images Status
  • Happy 20th Anniversary Images, Wishes, Quotes