Happy 17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes

Happy 17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes
Happy 17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes

Happy 17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes. Happy 17th birthday! You are quickly approaching the end of your teenage years, so be sure to enjoy them while they last!

With older age, comes greater wisdom and greater responsibilities still. Happy seventeenth birthday, dearest daughter, and may you thrive years later as you do today.

I hope you have a happy 17th birthday and that you will have so many more years to come!

Happy 17th birthday, dear, you are a great guy, and I hope that as you blow out the candles on the cake, everything you’ve dreamed of can become a reality.

Happy 17th birthday wishes

  • Happy 17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes
    17th Birthday Images, Wishes, Quotes

    Your birthday was fast approaching, and today it is here! I wish you a happy 17th birthday, and may it be that you will enjoy every minute of your special day today.

  • For your 17th birthday, our dearest daughter, we would love to give you everything you ever wanted but that might be too much even for us!
  • happy 17th birthday wishes
    17th birthday wishes

    You are turning into a fine young man and I wish nothing but a really happy 17th birthday.

  • Happy seventeenth  birthday, daughter dearest. You sure are growing up into the most wonderful woman! Looking forward to celebrating more birthdays with you!
  • happy 17th birthday quotes
    17th birthday quotes

    Happy 17th birthday to you, my awesome friend! You made my high school years so much more fun and memorable with your presence!

  • Happy 17th birthday! We know we haven’t been the easiest parents to you, but you have always been understanding and knew that our intents were good. We love you, son.
  • happy 17th birthday quotes
    17th birthday quotes

    Happy 17th birthday! Life has been much more joyful with your presence, especially when you happen to be in my classroom too! Blessed be, my best student.

  • Happy seventeenth  birthday, son! You have made us the proudest parents in the whole wide world, and it is only right that we wish you everything you ever wanted in life too!

  • happy 17th birthday pictures
    17th birthday pictures

    One more year and you’re going to be lawfully legal for most stuff! 4 years more and you would reach your drinking age too! There’s plenty to look forward to. Enjoy the coming years, happy 17th birthday girl!

  • It seems only yesterday that the first day of class started and now here we finally are, at 17.
  • happy 17th birthday pictures
    17th birthday pictures

    Happy 17th birthday, son! You are growing up into a promising adult, and we hope that you know how we’ll always be proud of you.

  • You are the sweetest person I know, best wishes for your newly made 17-year-old. Have fun and happy birthday again.
  • 17th happy birthday wishes
    17th happy birthday wishes

    It’s your 17th birthday today! We know how stressful high school can be at your age, and we hope that this birthday party we throw for you will help you relax! Happy Birthday Son.

  • Happy seventeenth  birthday, you are practically the most wonderful woman I have ever known, girl.
  • 17th happy birthday wishes
    17th happy birthday wishes

    Happy 17th birthday! Growing up, you have always wanted to be a princess. We hope you know that you will always be the sweetest princess in the world to us.

  • Happy bday to you, now that you are turning 17, you have a lot of new responsibilities true.

  • 17th happy birthday wishes
    17th happy birthday wishes

    You are on steady and healthy progress from childhood to adulthood now, our little girl. We hope that you’ll have a wonderful day on your special day today. Happy 17th birthday!

  • Happy 17th birthday! You may still be a high-schooler, but you sure do act more mature than that! So proud of everything that you managed to achieve so far!
  • For being my best friend in the whole wide world I wish nothing but a happy 17th birthday!
  • You deserve a happy seventeenth  birthday, so I wish that you would keep on being the person you are.
  • Who’d know that the most mature child in our family is only 17 this day? Happy birthday to you, our little one! We love you to no end!
  • On this very day, 17 years ago, you made us the happiest people in the world, and that feeling of happiness has only become bigger every day you spend into our lives. You are the best thing we could have hoped for. Happy birthday!
  • In this world where everyone is going astray, I am lucky to have you, enjoy your 17th bday!
  • Happy birthday, our dearest one! Life has so much to offer to you and everyone else around you if you just knew to stop, look around and appreciate them. May you have a joyful 17th birthday ahead!

  • Happy 17th birthday! You’re fast approaching adulthood, and we can only hope that you enjoyed your childhood and your teenage years before that too!
  • I thank the heavens for your existence, that I am able to wish you a very happy 17th birthday!
  • 17 years of your existence, means 17 years of happiness for us, happy birthday dear.
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday you rock as you always seem to I wish you nothing but the best right now.
  • Your 17th birthday should be spent with your best friends and classmates. Make sure to invite them to your surprise birthday party that we’re throwing for you!
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday! You definitely have a special place in my heart for being such an awesome friend to me without asking for anything in return. You’re the best!
  • To see you in diapers playing with your toys, to be one step away from being an adult. I am proud to have seen you grow so much. Happy Birthday!
  • I can’t believe my son is grown up! Happy 17th birthday to my handsome and imposing son!
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday! You’re the one shining star in my world. And I’d love to have you around for a long, long time to come.

  • Thank you so much for being an excellent friend, an understanding companion and a patient partner, but most of all, happy 17th birthday!
  • That means, as of today, I love you 131072 times more than the day you were born! I would like to see you live long enough to love you more than 1 billion! Happy Birthday!
  • Happy 17th birthday to the special girl in my life! We may both be young and inexperienced in the eye of others, but you have taught me plenty and I’ll always be grateful.
  • What a beautiful age
    to start enjoying youth
    and the most wonderful of life.
    Be happy on your 17th birthday
    and in the years you have left!
  • Thank you for sharing with us
    this beautiful day.
    From now on we have a whole year
    to make your 17 very special.
  • Belated Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages, Greeting & Cards
  • My pretty little girl is already a 17-year-old woman.

    May life give you such special moments

    as the day you arrived in the world.

    Happy birthday 17!

  • Soon the girls will queue
    at the door of your house to ask for an appointment.
    And with these newly released 17 years
    you are already a heartthrob.
    Enjoy your youth
    and this wonderful Happy birthday 17!
  • Thank you for sharing with us
    this beautiful day.
    From now on we have a whole year
    to make your 17 very special.
  • Let’s make this day worthwhile
    with a birthday party
    that you won’t forget in a long time.
    Because turning 17 is very special, let’s
    celebrate it as it deserves!
  • Wonderful years await
    you because you are young, beautiful, and intelligent.
    May these 17 years be just the beginning
    of a life full of pleasant surprises.
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday to the sweetest person I have ever known! Your selflessness is something rare to find these days, and I can only wish that you feel just as cared for.

  • With 17 years you have more than enough time
    to realize all your dreams.
    Throw yourself for them without fear!
  • A happy, happy seventeenth  birthday to you! Thank you for everything that you have done for us. It’s so rare to see a bright, sunny and helpful youth like yourself these days!
  • Happy 17th birthday, little girl! You have this unique way of making people around you happy even when they don’t want to be. Have an awesome birthday celebration today!
  • I’m not good at saying a few words
    to the lucky young man who is just 17 years old.
    Who could be your age!
    There are no impossible
    and there is still boredom,
    then you will miss it!
    Happy birthday, enjoy it as much as you can.
  • 17 lives have a cat, or weren’t it?

    Enjoy this birthday

    halfway between the child and the adult.


  • Happy 17th birthday, girl! You make lessons fun and classes a happy even to go to everyday. Your classmates are lucky to have you around!
  • The truth is I did not know you for all your life but still I hope you have a happy seventeenth  birthday!
  • Today you were born seventeen years ago,
    the same ones that I
    have been a mother, the same ones that have been as a gift.
    Happy birthday, my delightful gift!
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday, a lot of people do not understand how amazing you truly are but I do.
  • May this day make you wiser and wiser:
    may your days teach and guide you,
    and may we be there to tell you
    “happy birthday!”
  • You make me understand that the best is yet to come and you are that, happy 17th birthday!
  • Happy seventeenth  birthday, you are awesome and you are the best person that I know at this room.
  • Seventeen years in this life are nothing,
    but in you, they are much more than that.
    May your wisdom continue to grow every year.
    Happy birthday!
  • Let us keep partying all night and just enjoy the day, I really wish you a happy seventeenth  birthday.