Fathers day status WhatsApp. Dad, you’re someone to look up to no matter how tall I’ve grown. Thanks for being such a great mentor and buddy. Happy Father’s day!
- Some people call their fathers superheroes. But superheroes tend to disappear, and you’ve always been there for me. If you ask me, my dad isn’t a superhero, he is a Super Dad! Have a great Father’s day!
happy fathers day status
- You always told me that I can do the impossible if only I tried hard enough. That’s why I can live the amazing life I do. You inspire me to be brave enough to achieve my goals. Happy fathers day dad, and thank you for everything you do!
- Hey Dad, I got a present for you. I stole your To-Do list from Mom. All you need to do is rip it up. Just don’t tell mom, okay? Happy Father’s day!
- A father is a special part of all that’s cherished in the heart.
- Daddy, I may be little But I love you real BIG!
- Forever your daddy’s girl.
- To the greatest Dad in the whole world!
- It’s dads like you that make kids like me happy.

fathers day Whatsapp status
- Dad, you know that I like Batman,
And Superman’s cool too,
But I don’t really need them,
As long as I have you!Thanks For All You’ve Done
Happy Father’s Day, Dad.
Thank you for all you have done.
If there was an award for the best father ever,
Then I’m sure you would have won.
You’ve been my support
Through good time and bad,
I feel lucky indeed
To have you as my dad!

fathers day status WhatsApp
happy fathers day status for whatsapp
- Dad, you’re the first person I phone when I have a question about something or when I need some good advice. Thanks for always being there for me!
- Now I’m a father myself, I admire you all the more! Thanks for being such a great dad and role model, and now a wonderful grandfather too! Have a great day!

fathers day special status
- May all the love you give to others come back to you!
- My hero, my helper, my friend, my dad. Happy Father’s Day!
- My strength and my friend, I am today what I have become because of you. Thanks, Dad.
- No one ever thanks to you for all of the little things that you do. The roof over our head, lights in the hallway, and boogey-man free closets. I love you.
happy fathers day status for whatsapp
- I’m so lucky to have you as my father… I’m sure no one else would have put up with me this long. Happy Father’s Day!
- To the world’s greatest Dad from the world’s greatest kids, hope you have an amazing Father’s day!
- You may not know everything but you sure had me fooled for quite a few years! Happy Father’s day to the smartest Dad in town.

fathers day status in english
- Somehow, in my heart, I always knew that someone unkind and loving and wise as you would turn out to be not just a wonderful husband, but a great father as well. I was right.
- Thank you for being a good father and a good friend.
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