Drawing of independence day

Drawing of independence day
Drawing of independence day

Drawing of independence day, देश भक्तों के बलिदान से स्वतंत्र हुए हैं हम,
कोई पूछे कौन हो तो गर्व से कहेंगे भारतीय हैं हम।

  • It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill the ideas. Great empires crumbled, while the ideas survived.
    Bhagat Singh
  • “Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan” – Lal Bahadur Shastri
  • You give me your blood and I will give you Independence!
    -Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Drawing of independence day
Drawing of independence day
  • अब तक जिसका खून न खौला,
    वो खून नहीं वो पानी है जो देश के काम ना आये, वो बेकार जवानी है
  • “I will always be a true & loyal citizen of this country. I will love my country & make it a better place to live in.” – Happy Independence Day
  • I declare that the blows struck at me today will be the last nails in the coffin of British rule in India.
    Go back Siman
    Lala Lajpat Rai

drawing for independence day

drawing for independence day
drawing for independence day
  • Saluting India!
    Where each bud blooms in its true colors
    Where each day is celebration of unity, harmony and synthesis.
  • दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को जिस से तेरी शान हैं,
    सर हमेशा ऊँचा रखना इसका.. जब तक दिल में जान हैं।
  • Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.     

drawing on independence day

drawing on independence day
drawing on independence day
  • We have believed and we do believe now that freedom is indivisible, that peace is indivisible, that economic prosperity is indivisible.
    Indira Gandhi
  • “Thousands laid down their lives so that our country is breathing this day. Never forget their sacrifice Happy Independence Day
  • अब तक जिसका खून न खौला, वो खून नहीं वो पानी है
    जो देश के काम ना आये, वो बेकार जवानी है…,

independence day drawing

independence day drawing
independence day drawing
  • “I’m proud and feel honored to be a free Indian of this peaceful and free nation.”  Wish you a safe and Happy Independence Day
  • On this special day here’s wishing our dreams of a new tomorrow come true! May your Independence Day day be filled with patriotic spirit! Happy Independence Day
  • चलो फिर से आज वह नज़ारा याद कर ले,
    शहीदों के दिल में थी वो ज्वाला याद करले,
    जिसमे बहकर आज़ादी पहुंची थी किनारे पे
    देशभक्तो के खून की वो धारा याद करले..||

independence day drawing images

independence day drawing images
independence day drawing images
  • Na poocho jamane ko, ki kya humari kahani hain,
    Humari pehchaan to sirf ye h ki hum Hindustani h
  • Revolution did not necessarily involve sanguinary strife. It was not a cult of bomb and pistol. They may sometimes be mere means for its achievement.
    Bhagat Singh
  • Ye mat puchho ki vatan ne tumhein kya diya h,
    ye puchho ki tumne vatan ke liye kya kiya hai..?

independence day drawing for kids

independence day drawing for kids
independence day drawing for kids
  • Freedom is never dear at any price.
    It is the breath of life.
    What would a man not pay for living?
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • Freedom is never dear at any price.
    It is the breath of life.
    What would a man not pay for living?
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge,…At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.
    Jawaharlal Nehru
  • “Inquilab Zindabad”
    – Sardar Bhagat Singh

independence day images for drawing

independence day images for drawing
independence day images for drawing
  • जिस दिन रास्ते पर तिरंगा बैचने वाले बच्चे न दिखे उस दिन सोचना हम आज़ाद हो गये।
  •  By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. Independence day is a good time to think who we are and how we got here. Happy Independence Day
  • “Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna, Ab hamare dil mein hai” – Ramprasad Bismil

independence day drawing easy

independence day drawing easy
independence day drawing easy
  • “No nation is perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Contribute towards the perfection of your country.” – Happy Independence Day
  • “On this day let’s salute the martyrs for their sacrifices and thanks them for giving us a bright today.” – Happy Independence Day
independence day drawing easy
independence day drawing easy

“I am always full of pride wherever I am. I walk with my head held high because I know I live in a free country. I do not and will never, however, take this freedom for granted because it was purchased with a martyr’s blood. They gave it all, left the comfort of their homes, the love of their families and the hope of life for my freedom.