Destiny Quotes With Images. What better way to show the world that you can change destiny than make the choices now?
“Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.” – Henry Miller
Quotes on destiny
Destiny Quotes With Images
If we make the right actions to take today, then we can truly determine our destiny, right?
quotes on destiny
To tell you the truth, I really do not know what your destiny will be and that is amazing.
quotes on destiny
Who knows, really but maybe we are truly destined for one another, don’t you think so too?
believe in destiny quotes
“It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.” – Jean Nidetch
quotes about destiny
“Control your own destiny or someone else will.” – Jack Welch
quotes about destiny
Life is cool, you just need to find the right place at the right time to do the right thing.
destiny quotes on life
One day, you will meet someone that will change the way you view life and destiny itself.
destiny quotes on life
“Destiny has a lot to do with it, but so do you. You have to persevere, you have to insist.” – Andrea Bocelli
destiny quotes in english
“Control your own destiny! Control your own destiny!” – Stephen Curry
destiny quotes in english
No one really wants to know the future and just end up ruining something super precious.
life destiny quotes
“Once an object has been incorporated in a picture it accepts a new destiny.” – Georges Braque
life destiny quotes
The point of having a destiny is not having a choice, so I believe you should make your own.
life destiny quotes
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
destiny quotes images
Go out there and show the world that you can make things happen, that you can do whatever.
destiny quotes images
“I escaped my destiny. The odds were that I would end up in prison, but I didn’t.” – Roger Ross Williams
destiny quotes images
“Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.” – David O. McKay
fate and destiny quotes
Let me tell you that the best thing about your destiny is that you have the power to change it.
fate and destiny quotes
Your future is in your hands, every decision you make right this very moment will affect that.
destiny quotes sayings
“To transform yourself is to transform your destiny.” – Laura Esquivel
destiny quotes sayings
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” – Albert Ellis
destiny quotes with images
You just have to keep your head held high and show the world that you can be who you want.
destiny quotes with images
“The destiny of man is in his own soul.” – Herodotus
I do not even know anymore; most of the times, I try to think of life as something not mine.
“The bottom line is to be in control of your own destiny.” – James Woods
Life is not completely in your control, there are a lot of things that happens and that’s destiny.
Maybe the world will know of me later on, years after my death because of something I did.
“Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined.” – Deepak Chopra
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
I sure hope that my legacy would be loved by my grandchildren, that I would not be hated too.
Some days, I think about the could have been’s the might have’s and I just shut my eyes down.
“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” – Frank Jackson
There is no sense in cursing the past as nothing you can do will change it now, just move on.
“Do not compare yourself to others. You have a unique destiny and mission that only you can accomplish.” – Mariane Pearl
Finally, she has let you go, she has removed your claws from her and that is what matters.
I think the best part in embracing your destiny is to feel free in everything you have in you.
“And when man faces destiny, destiny ends and man comes into his own.” – Andre Malraux
“Some things are destined to be – it just takes us a couple of tries to get there.” – J.R. Ward
No matter what happens, I will always be there for you, even if destiny tries to stop me to.
I really think that it is my destiny to help those in need and so I will try to fulfill just that.
“I’ve taken my destiny into my own hands and I’m in a happy place.” – Charlie Simpson
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins
There is no telling how far I will go but I know that as long as I believe in myself, I can do it.
So what happens when I stop believing that I can change things? Well, life will still go on.
“The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.” – James Allen
“We all have a destiny in accordance with the breadth of our shoulders. My shoulders are broad.” – Placido Domingo
Life will go on with or without you so I might as well just keep going until I finally find hope.
In the midst of darkness, you will see a star to guide you and just hope it leads you there.
“Wherever we are in life is where destiny has brought us. It doesn’t mean we have to stay there.” – James Redfield
You want to be the person others love but you are not doing anything for that, how foolish.
“Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” – William Jennings Bryan
In your hands, you have the power to change your future and that is the best power there is.
“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” – Jean de La Fontaine
“Destiny is usually just around the corner. Like a thief, a hooker, or a lottery vendor: its three most common personifications. But what destiny does not do is home visits. You have to go for it.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Believe in yourself and the things you can achieve and sooner or later, you will be great.
Along the way, you will find friends to help you get to where you need to be, so just wait.
“I’m a believer in fate and in fulfilling your destiny. I’ve always had a kind of inner voice that I have learned to listen to.” – Tom Ford
“Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Wait for the people who matters the most in your life, do not let them go, bring them with you.
In your heart, as long as I stay there, I know that I will be okay, that things will soon be okay.
There are times when I just want to shut my mouth up, I do not want to say destructive words.
“All I know is that if we play well, we control our own destiny in terms of what we do.” – Nick Saban
“No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.” – Agnes de Mille
People destroy others all the time as their words are like knives slashing dreams and hope.
Be kind, let yourself do what you need and let destiny work itself out in your funny life, okay?
“Every people should be originators of their own destiny.” – Martin Delany
“Sooner or later, if man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance.” – Stan Lee
Find the place where you can be who you want to be and discover that place and stay on it.
The best person to be is yourself, you just need to go and try for the more improved version.
I may not know how your story will end but I’ll be with you through the chapters of your life.
“Take destiny in your own hands.” – Chanda Kochhar
“I’ll take my destiny, whatever that may be, but I’m going to fight for my dignity and my honor.” – Ferdinand Marcos
You may think that destiny has ruined everything for you but believe me when I say it did not.
I really do not know what your destiny is but I will be beside you until the day you find it.
The best way to ensure what your destiny will be is to plant great seeds of action that lasts.
“We are each other’s destiny.” – Jacqueline Novogratz
“In a larger sense, we all write our own destiny.” – Chanda Kochhar
If you do not want someone to make your destiny for you, then you might want to make it.
Embrace your destiny and everything else that comes with it and you will be just fine.
“Destiny is a good thing to accept when it’s going your way. When it isn’t, don’t call it destiny; call it injustice, treachery, or simple bad luck.” – Joseph Heller
“You will never fulfill your destiny doing work you despise.” – John C. Maxwell
I am telling you right now, you just need to embrace your destiny and all else will follow.
Destiny is just the universe conspiring to bring you to the place you are meant to be.
“Destiny is something not be to desired and not to be avoided. a mystery not contrary to reason, for it implies that the world, and the course of human history, have meaning.” – Dag Hammarskjold
“In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny.” – Linus Torvalds
I hope that when you find your destiny, finally, you will also find your place is with me.
If you want to see what your destiny will be, you also need to remember your history.
“It’s my destiny to make a place where people can come and be happy: a garden of joy.” – Niki de St. Phalle
“I believe a lot in destiny and I think that if something didn’t happen, it was for a reason.” – Didier Drogba
Tell me, whatever happened to being yourself, to fulfilling the destiny meant just for you?
Release yourself from the doubt that things would not happen the way you want them to.
“I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed.” – Paulo Coelho
Things will happen the way that they are meant to be whether you want them or not.
Be yourself; in the world full of fakes and copycats, that is the only thing you can do.
“We are all tied to our destiny and there is no way we can liberate ourselves.” – Rita Hayworth
“I believe in destiny, God’s hand and hard work.” – Katrina Kaif
Honestly, I am still wondering what will happen to me if I did not believe in what destiny is.
I wish that someday, when I am really old, I will be glad of the choices I made in my life.
If I can just grow old happy, that I made the right choices, then I can also die being happy.
“Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.” – J.K. Rowling
You want to know what? I just want to be the person who made it, not the one who gave up.
I believe that the only place for change in my life is improvement and nothing else, right?
“There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.” – Nicholas Sparks
“Destiny smiles upon me but without making me the least bit happier.” – Gustav Mahler