Birthday Wishes for Sister in English

Birthday Wishes for Sister in English
Birthday Wishes for Sister in English

Happy birthday to my lovely sister! Wishing you the ocean of fun and lots of happy memories! Birthday Wishes for Sister. To the best, most wonderful, most loving sister in the world on her birthday and every day. Happy Birthday. 

Birthday Wishes for Sister, birthday wishes for elder sister in English

  1. Hope your day will be as bright as your smile, as young as your spirit, as sweet as you. I love you little sister. Happy bday sis!
  2. Thanks for always protecting me and for being the best sister ever. Happy Birthday!
  3. My childhood would not have been so special without you by my side. I’m thankful for you on this special day. Happy Birthday!
  4. Never forget that I’ve got your back, you just keep moving ahead. And I’ll stick close your front and your sides. I’ve got all of you and I’m not letting you fall and go. Have the best birthday ever!
  5. Your birthday is more special to me than you, because on this day, I got the most precious gift of my life. Happy Birthday.


birthday wishes for younger sister

  1. Friends come and go, but I know that you will always be there. I love you forever and always. Happy birthday.
  2. I always say that I’m so grateful to have a sister like you. And that’s not because of all the great things you do for me (there are many), but because you’re … well … you. Happy birthday, sis.
  3. Today is my another favorite day of the year because today my big sister was born! Dear, do not feel sorrow and grief, let your life flow like a river of happiness. I wish you to be happy and loved, happy birthday!
  4. Happy, Happy Birthday sister. I believe this new year of your life will you the wonderful things in your life. Love you.
  5. You are slow to judge and quick to forgive. You didn’t turn your back when I needed you the most. You gave me a shoulder to cry on and showed me direction when I was down. I will be forever thankful to have a little sister like you. Happy birthday.



birthday wishes for cousin sister

  1. All the wealth of the world can never compensate to the love of a sister. Happy Birthday dear sis!
  2. Today, I celebrate a friend and role model. I celebrate the best sister in the world. Have a spectacular birthday!
  3. There is no comfort anywhere in the world except for the arms of my lovely sister. Happy Happy Birthday my lovely sister!
  4. What we share is so much more than DNA. We share values, memories, failures, successes, and the most wonderful moments. Happy Birthday to the greatest sister on Earth!
  5. Peer pressure, heartbreak and loneliness; insecurity, fear, and sadness – the only thing common in all of these, is that they can be healed by hugs from a sis like you. Happy Birthday.
birthday wishes for sister quotes
  1. A birthday cake is always good, but to me a sister with a birthday cake is undoubtedly great. Happy Birthday, Sister.
  2. Every single important thing I’ve learned in life, I learned from you, sister. Happy birthday.
  3. Sometimes you drive me crazy, but still, you remain my lovely little sister. Happy birthday, cutie
  4. Nobody can give a hug quite like a sister. Thanks for all of the hugs. I hope that I can give you one for your birthday.
  5. I was overjoyed when you came to this world. I promise to be here for you and protect you as long live. Happy birthday little sister!


birthday wishes for little sister
  1. Dear sister, on your special day I wish you a lifetime full of happiness. Happy Birthday!
  2. Growing up with you was the best! I am grateful to have a loving and caring sister like you! Happy Birthday
  3. Life is a fun ride and I’ve always enjoyed sharing it with you on my side. I wish the best of birthdays to a perfect companion to this crazy trip!
  4. Sure, you can pick your friends but not your family. But, Sis, I would have picked you as my sister and my friend. You’re the best sister and friend anyone can ever have. I love you. Happy birthday!
  5. Sister, I’m really thankful to you for being an excellent friend of mine. I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday.


birthday wishes quotes for sister
  1. There are lots of great things about having a sister. The best of all is that I got to share my childhood with you. That’s something no one can ever take away. Here’s to our silly, over-dramatic memories! Happy birthday, sister
  2. You are not just my sis, you are my hero and my role model. I am extremely happy to have such a wonderful sister like you. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy B’Day to the most stylish girl I know, you’ll always be a head turner.
  4. You are my sidekick, my number one fan and you always followed me around. I am a proud big sister and I hope you enjoy your special day.
  5. We may quarrel over many things many a time but I want to let you know you are the best human in the world. Happy Birthday sister!



best birthday wishes for little sister
  1. Sis, you are in all of my favorite childhood memories! Happy Birthday to someone who has made my life better!
  2. Little sis! I have watched you grow into such an amazingly, strong woman. You truly inspire. Happy Birthday!
  3. Sis, you have a bigger heart than anyone I know. It’s so big that you love me no matter what, despite my all-too-frequent not-so-nice side and few-and-far-between nice side. I love you for that. Happy birthday!
  4. My warmest wish for the loveliest, brightest and most wonderful sister on her special day. Happy Birthday.
  5. It doesn’t matter how many problems I will face in my life, I know that I can always count on you. Thank you for being in my life, happy birthday, my dear sister!



best birthday wishes for elder sister
  1. BFF means Best Friends Forever but do you know what SBFD means? It means Sister but Best Friend in Disguise. Happy birthday, #SBFD.
  2. You always followed me around. You were always there when I was down. You made me happy when I had a frown. Thank you for being my little sister. Happy bday!
  3. Put on your best dress and get ready to celebrate because it is your birthday today.
    Happy birthday, dear sister!
  4. Today is a great celebration, not just because it’s the day you were born, but because it’s the day I became a big sister. On this day I became the happiest girl alive. I love you and happy birthday to my little sister.
  5. God may have made us sisters by fate. But I think we would have been together just like now if we weren’t sisters. I love you sister. Happy Birthday.


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