Basant Panchami Quotes In English

Basant Panchami Quotes In English
Basant Panchami Quotes In English

Basant Panchami Quotes In English. Spring is in the air, so fresh blossoms everywhere. Sending you my warm greetings on the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami!

Happy Basant Panchami quotes

  • Just like nature is turning into bright shades, may your life turns into happy shades too. Let’s make merry and dance to the beautiful melody of nature Happy Basant Panchami!
  • Days are too busy, hours are too few,
    seconds are too fast, but there is always time for me to say hello to someone like you.
    Smile and enjoy Basant Panchami.
  • May the revered occasion of Basant Panchami,
    Bring the wealth of knowledge to you, May you be blessed by Goddess Saraswati… and all your wishes come true. Happy Basant Panchami.
  • No greeting card to give, no sweet flowers to send, no cute graphics to forward, just a caring heart wishing you a very Happy Basant Panchami.
  • May you be bestowed with
    knowledge and wisdom…
    Have a Blessed Vasant Panchami!
  • May you rise each texting day
    with fully charged cell phone
    in your hand, inspiring message
    in your mind, me in your heart,
    and a clear signal all day long.
    Nice Basant Panchami day!
  • All around are beautiful sights, flowers, birds, sweets and kites, Basant Panchami truly delights!
    Happy Basant Panchami!
  • Wishing you happiness, good fortune, success, peace and progress on the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami.
  • May your life be filled with eternal light of knowledge May the divine grace of Godess be with you Goddess Saraswati is the Light of hope and Peace Pray Goddess Saraswati Blessings remain with us throughout Life May Goddess Saraswati Bless you with Knowledge and Wisdom Happy Basant Panchami
  • When you find a DREAM inside your HEART… don’t ever let it go… Coz dreams are the tiny seeds from which beautiful Tomorrow grows. Happy Basant Panchami
  • On this day Goddess Saraswati is worshipped in various names and fames -Badal, arts and science, and deep ,Supreme knowledge. Happy Basant Panchami.
  • With fragrant flowers and fluttering butterflies around, soft breeze whispers in your ear.
    Happy Basant Panchami!