Happy Propose Day Quotes, SMS, Facebook Status

Happy Propose Day Quotes, SMS, Facebook Status
Happy Propose Day Quotes, SMS, Facebook Status

Happy Propose Day Quotes, SMS, Facebook Status & WhatsApp Messages. U are unique, U are caring and, U are the Best And I am the luckiest to have U in my life! Happy Propose Day my sweetheart…!!!


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  • तन्हाइयों में उनको ही याद करते हैं.. वो सलामत रहे यही फरियाद करते है.. हम उनकी ही मोहबत का इंतज़ार करते है.. उनको क्या पता हम उनसे कितना प्यार करते हैं।
  • कुछ कहने को दिल करता है.. जिसे कहते हुए डर लगता है.. आज propose day है कह ही डालते हैं.. हम तुम्हे दिल-ओ-जान से ज्यादा मोहब्बत करते हैं
  •  दिल उनके लिए ही मचलता है.. ठोकर खाता है और सम्भलता है.. किसी ने इस कदर कर लिया दिल पर कब्ज़ा.. दिल मेरा है पर उनके लिए धड़कता है।

propose day images for husband
propose day images for husband

happy propose day quotes, propose day quotes

  • I have a heart that is true, But now it has gone from me to u, So care for _it just like I do, B’COZ I _have no heart n u have two. Happy Propose Day..
  • All I wanted was someone who’d b there 4 me,
    All I ever wanted was someone who’d b true,
    All I ever wanted was someone like U
    Happy Propose Day
  • Nothing can separate us, even death. We are connected with eternal love. Let us stay together in this world and in heaven.
  • If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
    If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
    If I go for your lips, will u kiss me?
    If I capture your heart, will u love me?
    Happy Propose Day
  • Meeting You Was Fate. Becoming Your Friend Was A Choice, But Falling In Love With You Was Beyond My Control. Happy Propose Day
  • I can’t imagine life without you. Will you hold my hand tight for the rest of the life? Please be mine.

happy propose day SMS in Hindi, propose day SMS

  • फ़िज़ा में महकती शाम हो तुम.. प्यार में झलकता जाम हो तुम.. सीने में छुपाए फिरते है हम यादें तुम्हारी.. इसलिए मेरी ज़िन्दगी का दूसरा नाम हो तुम।
  • बनकर तेरा साया तेरा साथ निभाऊंगा.. तू जहाँ जहाँ जाएगी मैं वहाँ वहाँ आऊँगा.. साया तो छोड़ जाता है अँधेरे में साथ लेकिन में अँधेरे में तेरा उजाला बन जाऊँगा।
  • हम अपने प्यार का इज़हार इसलिए नहीं करते क्यूंकि हम उनकी हाँ या ना से डरते है.. अगर उन्हों ने कर दी हाँ तो ख़ुशी से मर जायेंगे और कर दी ना तो रो-रो कर मर जायेंगे।

propose day images HD
propose day images HD
happy propose day messages, propose day messages
  • Love is like a cloud. Love is like a dream. Love is one word and everything in between. Love is a fairytale come true. Because I found Love when I found You. Happy Propose Day to My Love. Happy Propose Day Quotes
  • You Are The Happiness Of My
    Life, You Are The Smile Of
    My Lips, I Am Alive To See
    You Anytime, Your Cute Smile
    Give Me Power Please Don’t Ever
    Leave Me Happy Propose Day.
  • There are many love stories in this world, but ours is the sweetest. It is sweet because you are in the love story. Will you be with me forever?
  • I love you so much and want you forever. Will you be mine.


propose day status, happy propose day status, Happy Propose Day Quotes
  • Your eyes are like the blue ocean, your lips are like the sweetest part of nature. I want to be with you all the time. Happy Propose Day to My Love
  • Love is heat… You are sweet… When two Lips are meet each other. then Love is complete….Happy Propose Day…!! Happy Propose Day Quotes
  • Life looks so beautiful when you are around. The world looks so lifeless when you are not around. Will you make my life beautiful by holding my hand?
  • On This Special Day I Want To
    Say: Grow Old Along With Me,
    The Best Is Yet To Be. Will
    You Spend The Rest Of Your Life
    With Me? Happy Propose Day.
propose day images for girlfriend
propose day images for girlfriend
happy propose day wishes, propose day msg , Happy Propose Day Quotes
  • No words can express my love for you. I see the love for me in your eyes. Will you be with me for a lifetime.
  • The most intense emotions are very difficult to express, Just look deep into my eyes, they will say” will you be mine forever.
  • I don’t know why I like you, I don’t know why I feel sad on a day when I don’t see your face, I only know one thing that I don’t bear any meaning without you…


propose day messages for girlfriend
  • Good time or bad times, I’ll always be there to cheer you up, or just to hold your hand and say, I know how you feel and I care for you. Happy Propose Day!
  • Love puts the fun in together,_ the sad in apart, _and the joy in a heart.
  • U are the happiness of my life, and I want to live happy with U forever..will you
  • Hey! I have put two alphabets together “U” and “I”. ill U be mine forever beautiful
  •  I can’t imagine life without you. Will you hold my hand tight for the rest of the life? Please be mine.


happy propose day status
  • Today on Propose Day, I just want to open my heart and LET YOU KNOW THAT you mean the world to me and I want you to stay in my life forever.
  • As long as the stars twinkle in the sky, As long as angels are there up high, Till the ocean run dry and till the day I die. I will love you. Happy Propose Day
  • If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
    If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
    If I go for ur lips, will u kiss me?
    If I capture ur heart, will u love me ?? Happy Propose Day
  • I adore you, and I love you. I want you for the rest of my life. Please be with me for the rest of my life.