Good Night SMS, Best Gud Nite SMS Messages, Good Night Wishes, Good Night Quotes

good night wishes
good night wishes

Good Night Sms – good night quotes, text messages

  1. One two threeSet free from worry
    see moonlight N galaxy
    Feel sweet dreamy Ecstasy

    Have dreams very lovely

  2. A bed of clouds for U to sleep,

    Diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,
    Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,
    May u sleep peacefully thru out the night.
    “Good Night”

  3. In this lovely night,

    I pray to the blue moon to protect you through the night,
    the wind to blow away your stress and the twinkle stars to guide you the way,
    Sweet Dreams Good Night!

  4. Another day has gone by, Time just seems to fly I can’t really say Hi, Because it’s time to say you Goodbye, And wish Goodnight.

  5. “Early sleep and early wake up gives health and makes you grow.” Good Night!

  6. A night hug warms the heart, A night kiss brightens the day, and A good morning to start your day!

  7. Close your eyes, Concentrate your mind & Pray to god for the things That you want most. GOD must fulfil your prayer… Have a nice sleep…Good Night—

  8. Dawn is gone. The night is here. Don’t weep. It’s time to go to sleep.

    Good Night!

  9. Since your eyes are looking tired, Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours. Happy journey into the world of dreams. Good Night!

  10. The night is the reason you see the day. So cherish the dark blanket of the sky while the stars bring your dreams for tomorrow. Goodnight.

Good night my very special friend

  1. Wash ur face and wash your feet! Now its time 2 fall asleep. Urs eyes r weak N mouth can’t speak so hope this nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Night…

  2. Good Night My LoveAs darkness folds around meAnd the stars twinkle in the sky My thoughts are still with you my love I close my eyes

  3. Calmness and excitement dancing in a fight,All the city lights are watching in a lovely way,I am thinking of you and I want to wish you a good night,Sleep well and prepare for a new amazing day!

  4.  If you feel
    Little bored,
    Little sick,
    Little lost,
    Little sad,
    You know whats wrong?
    Your suffering from lack of Vitamin Me!
    Good Night!
  5. Go well on the bed,

    in the night,

    friends I wanna say good night

  6. “May the blanket of night wrap you in a hundred sweet dreams, a thousand hugs and a million kisses”. Good night darling.
  7. Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight,
    Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight…
    But don’t make it a habit because I’m not free every night.
    Good Night!
  8. You’re… My Friend, my companion, through good times and bad my friend, my buddy, through happy and sad, beside me you stand, beside me you walk, you’re there to listen, you’re there to talk, with happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears, I know you’ll be there, throughout the years!
  9. Worrying about your past will ruin your present and future. Dreaming about the future will improve your present and erase the past. Which one will you do? The choice is your buddy. Good night.
  10. “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Good Night

romantic good night SMS

  1. Sun is setting, moon is coming in the sky & the little
    stars shining so bright to say good night. Let the little stars convey your
    best wishes of the night to your friends and loved ones through good night SMS,
    sweet dreams SMS
  2. Good Night
    I wish upon a star
    That everyone can have friends
    As kind as you are because if they did
    The world would be
    A happy place filled with glee you my friend
    I’ll have to say
    You always somehow
    Make my dayThank you friend
    For all you do
    These words I say
    Are sincere and true



  3. Before I say good night,
    I’ll make a wish for you.
    I hope you just don’t dream,
    But you see them coming true.
    And if there are difficult times to face,
    I will always be with you.
    Good night my dearest!
  4. At this moment,
    3.7 Millions are sleeping,
    2.3 Millions are falling in Love,
    4.1 Million are eating
    Only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS…
  5. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.”
  6. Touch ur heart; Close ur eyes; Make a wish; Say GoodNight; Sky so wide, Stars so bright, Turn off the lights, and say Good Night

  7. A bed of clouds for U to sleep,
    Diamond stars as ur bed side lamp,
    Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,
    May sleep peacefully, Good night..
  8. Difference btwn horror nd beautiful night..
    A beautiful night is when u hug ur teddy bear and sleep,
    But horror is when
    it hugs u back !! Good Night!
  9. It’s been a long day.
    I’m really tired,
    And I bet so are you.
    Before I hit the hay,
    I just wanted to say
    Good Night,
    Sweet dreams!
  10. Take a deep breath,
    Stand near the window,
    Look at the sky,
    There will be two stars twinkling brightly,
    You know what they are?
    They are my eyes always taking care of you…
    Good Night!


romantic good night SMS

  1. The Most Sweetest Relation In World Is pillow
    Bcoz Wen U R Tired U Relax It.
    Wen U R Sad U Drop Tears On It.
    Wen U R Angry U Punch It.
    Wen U R Happy U Hug It
    Now That Pillow Is Waiting 4 U
    ..So Go To Bed
    Lovely Nite..;-:-*
    Lovable Dreamzzz.
    Good Night.
  2. Good Night
    The time has come
    To say goodnight
    God keep you safe
    In the moonlighting of me
    In your dreams
    Remembering that
    We are a team farewell for now
    We’ll talk soon
    Enjoy your time
    In the light of the moon
  3. As you receive this good night message,
    My prayers must have reached above,
    Angels must be there to guard you against the night.
    Sleep like a baby,
    And dream of me.
    Good night!
  4. I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most and the person that came to my mind
    are you so just want to wish you…
    Good Night!
  5. “As the moonlight dims and the world goes quiet, give yourself some rest. Here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are.”
  6. Good night my very special friend,
    I pray you lay to rest,
    And may tomorrow bring you
    Much love and happiness.Do not think of me… I m in your eyes, in your heartGood Night
  7. Your sweet time of today is ending Now,
    Forget bad Incidents,
    Remembers beautiful Moments,
    to refresh your mind
    wish you a sweet sleep.

    Good Night!

  8. Good night I’ll be thinking about you tonight!
    If only you were
    Not so far away
    My affection for you
    I would surely display because if you were here
    With me tonight
    I’d kiss you all over
    And hold you tightYou’re in my dreams
    Fantasies, desires, and wishes
    Come to me baby
    So I can give you hugs and kisses
  9. Twinkling stars,
    Drooping eyes,
    All are saying to you,
    A Good Night!
  10. When an angel came to me,
    He asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
    I said, “Please take care of the person who’s reading this message.”
    Good Night!