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I love buying new things but I hate spending money.
The goal is not to be rich ,
the Goal is to be legend***
*जिंदगी भर ‘सुख’ कमाकर दरवाजे से घर में लाने की कोशिश करते रहे।*
*पता ही ना चला कि कब खिड़कियों से ‘उम्र’ निकल गई।
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मैं हर पल झूकी और लोग सज़दा समज बैठे..
मैंने बस इन्सानियत निभाई पर लोग खुद को खुदा समज बैठे.
*हैसियत का क़भी…गुमान न करो..यारो…!!*
*उड़ान ज़मीन से शुरू….ज़मीन पे ख़त्म होतीं हैं….!!****
God is really creative , I mean ..just look at me.
Excuse me!! I found something under my shoes ohhh its your Attitude.
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My circle is small because
i’m into quality not quantity!***
I’m not arguing, I’m simply tried to explaining why I’m Right.
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I’m jealous my parents, I’ll never have a kid as cool as theirs.
I don’t have an attitude problem, I just have a personality that you can’t handle.
The biggest responsibility you have is to change your beliefs so that they are consistent with the realities you wish to enjoy.
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If u thibk I am BAD than
you’re wrong, I’m the worst..***
“The sea is the same for all, but some find pearls, some find fishes and some just get their feet wet. Same with life. What we get, is in proportion to how far we are willing to go in life”.
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Always be grateful for what you have but most of all for the people that make you happy
We all are born to die, don’t feel more special than me.
I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak.
एक लड़की मुझसे बोली तुम तो पहले काले थे अब गोरे कैसे हो गए
अब उसे कैसे बताएं कि पहले कोयले का बिजनस था मेरा अब आटे की चक्की है🤣
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Attitude are contagious make yours worth catching..
*कौन हिसाब रखे*
*किसको कितना दिया*
*और किसने कितना बचाया**इसलिए ईश्वर ने आसान गणित लगाया*
*सबको खाली हाथ भेज दिया*
*खाली हाथ ही बुलाया*
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“When you see something nice or beautiful in someone, tell them. It may just take a second for you to say it, but to them, it could last a lifetime.”
If your job leaves you unfulfilled and simply unhappy, you are entitled to finding something better.
“No matter how smart we are, if we don’t know how to work with people, our dreams will just be dreams.”
Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up.
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I hate math, but I love counting money.
Adopting the right attitude can convert
a negative stress into a positive one.
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तेरी #गली का सफर आज भी #याद है मुझे,
मैं कोई #वैज्ञानिक नही था पर मेरी #खोज लाजवाब थी..
उसके गाँव की तरफ जाती हुई
हर बारात से डर लगता है 😣***
“As we think, so is our world.”
I don’t care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please everybody.
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The story of successful people is the story of people who started with nothing and did something worthwhile with their lives.
Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my WhatsApp status….
Everyday I come in with a positive
attitude trying to get better.
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I am 97% sure u don’t like me,, But I’m 100% sure I Don’t care..
“Investment in relationships, may not give you profit, but it definitely makes you rich.”
*हैरान बैठा हूँ वक़्त का धागा ले कर..*
*रूह को रफू करूँ, कि अपने खवाब बुनूं…*
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You control and determine your future by the thoughts you think in the present.
गए थे दरगाह पर चादर चढ़ाने ,
चढ़ानेवालों की कतार लंबी थी ,
एक फ़क़ीर के कंधों पर चादर रखी और उसने कहा ,
अल्ला तुम्हारी मुराद पूरी करे..***
मुझे तो रातभर ये
सोचकर नींद
नहीं आती कि..🤤पता नहीं मेरी वाली
खाना बनाना सीख रही होगी या
मुझसे ही बनवाएंगी..🤨✌🏿✔
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यतीमी साथ लाती है ज़माने भर की तकलीफ़ें..
सुना है बाप ज़िन्दा हो तो कांटे भी नहीं चुभते…!!
The Earth without “Art” is just “Eh”.
You can either show up as a victim or a leader.
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You are surrounded by more opportunities and possibilities to achieve your dreams than have ever existed before.
Everything you create in your material world begins with a thought of some kind.
I love buying new things but I hate spending money.
I talk, I smile, I laugh too…..
but be careful when I’m silent….
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Treat me like a Queen and I’ll treat you Like a King But If you treat me like a game I’ll show you how it’s played..
बहोत संभलकर #फकीरो से #गुफ़्तगू करना
ये लोग #सुखी #नदी से #पानी मांग लेते है
I don’t wait for magical moments
I create my own scenario…!***
आसमां में निशाना लगाएं रखिए..
मगर जमीं पर पांव जमाए रखिए….!!
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तारीफ़ की चाहत तो नाकाम लोगों की फ़ितरत है_*
*_काबिल लोगों के तो दुश्मन भी कायल होते हैं ..!_*
*नफरत करके क्यो बढ़ाते हो अहमियत किसी की!,*..
*माफ करके शर्मिंदा करने का तरीका भी तो कुछ बुरा नहीं!!*..
Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up.
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खुदा ने जब इश्क़ बनाया होगा,
तो खुद आज़माया होगा,
हमारी तो औकात ही क्या है,
इस इश्क़ ने खुदा को भी रुलाया होगा !!***
वो मिटते मिटते ‘मिट गऐ,*
*जिनको खुद पर गुमान था…!**वो डूबते – डूबते भी बच गऐ,*
*जिन पर प्रभु तूं मेहरबान था।****
I’m a good person but don’t give me a
reason to show my evil side
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*वो मिटते मिटते ‘मिट गऐ,*
*जिनको खुद पर गुमान था…!**वो डूबते – डूबते भी बच गऐ,*
*जिन पर प्रभु तूं मेहरबान था।****
“Competency is not about what you know. It is about what you can deliver.”
I stopped fighting with my inner demons. We are on the same side now.
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I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes CLOSED
“There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.”
Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you.
I don’t need a hair stylist, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.
I don’t wait for magical moments
I create my own scenario…!***
जिन्दगी की दौड़ में, तजुर्बा कच्चा ही रह गया,
हम सीख न पाये ‘फरेब’ और दिल बच्चा ही रह गया..
I’m a good person but don’t give me a
reason to show my evil side